Tuesday, January 23, 2007

The Queen

OK, let's just get this out of the way from the beginning. YES, Helen Mirren portrays a totally convincing Queen Elizabeth II. She probably makes the real Queen shudder in amazement. This movie could have easily been "Hollywood-ized" by making Prince William and Harry bigger roles to elicit more tears from the audience. Of course, it wouldn't be called the Queen. Heading into the movie, I had a limited knowledge of England's royal family besides who made up the family, Buckingham palace and Windsor Castle. I felt as if I had lost a friend when Diana died and was one of countless Americans who woke up in the middle of the night to watch her funeral. This movie, The Queen, had me understanding the dynamics of the royal family, especially Queen Elizabet II and Prince Charles, applauding Prime Minister Tony Blair and giving the ole' Archie Bunker raspberry to Prince Philip and the Queen Mum. Actually, I think the Queen Mum's real problem must be senility. The scene with the stag left me breathless. If you are only interested in seeing one Oscar-nominated movie, pick The Queen. Enthusiastic Thumbs Up--I highly recommend it.

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