Wednesday, January 31, 2007

An Inconvenient Truth

When I heard about Al Gore's documentary about global warming, I was scared to watch it. I thought it would freak me out over what is happening to the planet. Although there is some eye-popping statistics, overall, it is a moving documentary. It explains what has and still is happening with the environmental topics including: pollution, coral reef decay, glaciers melting, polar ice caps melting, poplulation growth. I fully admit that the small mention of the 2000 election scandal was not necessary in this documentary and could have been edited out. However, anyone who concentrates on this small aspect of the documentary instead of the more global picture needs to look into a mirror and ask themselves if they live there life to help or hinder the planet. An Inconvenient Truth should make you want to perform even a small gesture to help to slow down the decay we have all caused. If you combine all of our small steps, perhaps we can take back our planet and work together globally. Melissa Etheridge's song "I need to Wake Up" was extremely well-written and beautifully sung. It was a perfect way to end the movie intermixed with messages of small things that each of us can do to help. I recommend this movie to be purchased and shared with as many people as possible especially those people with children. Because we all should want to leave this place better than we found it. Two more-knowledgable and inspired green thumbs up!

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