Saturday, November 30, 2013


I actually paid extra to see this in 3D.  Sandra Bullock and George Clooney are the only cast (not counting voice work by Ed Harris and others).  They are both extremely talented, award-winning actors who once again share their talent.  The main reason to see this movie though is the special effects.  It is a simplistic plot about astronauts who get stranded in space. I can't even imagine the fear and loneliness that would accompany such an event.  SPOILER alert: I was disappointed when George Clooney's character comes back which turned out to be a sort of "dream".

I give this a half a thumb up because I love Bullock and Clooney also the effects were neat to watch on the edge of your seat but overall and even though there are worse movies, there are plenty better too.  

Being John Malkovich

I finally got around to watching this movie from 1999.  Starring John Cusack, Cameron Diaz, Catherine Keener and, of course the title character (real person) Jon Malkovich, this is a bizarre movie about what it would be like to travel through a portal into the mind of another person.  Not just any person but in this case, the mind of John Malkovich.  The long hair of John Cusack and frizzy hair of Cameron Diaz was distracting in the movie.  I did not feel an emotional connection between John and Cameron but it was very strong between Cameron and Catherine.  The movie felt to me like it didn't know if it wanted to be a sci-fi, mystery, comedy or drama.  The characters were less developed because of it and that hurt the movie.  Overall, I'm glad that I watched it but the DVD extra's spoiled the movie a bit. It was fun to watch a bit role for Octavia Spencer (academy award winning supporting actress twelve years later for the Help) and the whole 7 1/2 floor was also a fun site gag.  I give this a half a thumb up for potential, limited comedic moments and unique plot.