Sunday, February 14, 2010

Twilight and New Moon

Yes, I actually succumbed to peer pressure (thanks Julia) and read these 2 books by Stephenie Meyer. I am glad that she turned so many people onto reading. Unfortunately, I do think that Stephenie's writing is a bit immature. Twilight, the book was enjoyable yet simplistic whereas the movie felt like a TV movie of the week. When Edward appeared in the sun, it looked like sweat not sparkling. New Moon, the book was boring and the part that was supposed to be climatic was not. New Moon, the movie was better acted, better at portraying suspense and we got to see Jacob (Tyler Lautner) half-naked! I will be reading the rest of the series and seeing the subsequent movies. I will give the books a thumb up for bringing high school students away from Facebook, cell phones, etc and toward the joy of reading and I will give the movies a 1/2 thumb up because they are true to the book, simple and fun but can be held out for a rental.