Wednesday, January 16, 2013


Kathryn Bigelow has directed two Best Picture nominees in The Hurt Locker and Zero Dark Thirty. It amazes me that a female can bring about the atrocities of war without becoming too emotional or non-masculine. Even though women serve to defend our freedoms along side men, war is still a male-dominated act. For a women to direct two war movies that appeal to both sexes is truly amazing to me.

Zero Dark Thirty fictionalizes the plan, capture and execution of Osama Bin Laden in Pakistan. Dealing with the different middle eastern philosophies and non-western world of brute force, politics and as stated before male-dominated societies to bring down arguably the most hated man in America is obviously no easy task. Jessica Chastain who some may remember as the drunk socialite outcast in the Help or as Brad Pitt character's wife in the Tree of Life, moves from those supporting roles to dominate in her first major leading role. She shows intelligence, power and a touch of beauty while at times showing the vulnerability of being over her head and alone in a strange country.

This movie is an amazing piece showing the brutality of politics simultaneously with humanity or lack there of. We may have cheered for the killing of Osama Bin Laden but it was quickly followed by sickness over the cheering over a killing.

I give this 2 thumbs up to the angels that protect our soldiers fighting for those freedoms that we so often take for granted.

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