Sunday, February 3, 2008

The Diving Bell and the Butterfly

Also known as "Le scaphandre et le papillon". This is based on the life of Elle editor Jean-Dominque (Jean0Do) Bauby who had a stroke and was paralyzed except for his left eye at the age of 42. The tag line is "Let your imagination Set You Free". WOW, the way that director Julian Schnabel used the camera to make you feel like you were Jean-Do was original and well-done. This also make you want to read Jean-Do's book not just because of the inspirational story but for the thought-provoking essence of the story. It is such an inspirational film and glowing story that I WILL see this again. The best quote is when Jean-Do says "Besides my left eye, two things aren't paralyzed; my imagination and my memory." He is the ultimate example of looking at the bright side of things in the face of despair. Two thumbs that after falling down like a diving bell, soars as high up as a butterfly can fly.

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