Sunday, January 19, 2014

The Wolf of Wall Street

Heading into this movie, I heard negative comments at the sex, profanity and drug use in this movie.  Although there was a ton of F-bombs and  huge amount of drug use, I didn't feel like it was gratuitous.  The sex scenes weren't even that bad to me.  The only thing that rubbed me offensive to watch was when they were using the word R-word and depicting cerebral palsy as the stage after drooling in quaalude use.

This movie is based on the book Jordan Belfort wrote about his own life.  He aspired to be rich and powerful like Gordon Gekko's character from the 1987 movie Wall Street.

The appeal of being rich, I understand.  The appeal of being so powerful that you lose your moral compass, I do not understand.

Leo Dicaprio deserves his Lead Actor Oscar nomination.  It felt like the role was Gatsby on drugs and not much of a stretch from what he seems to be like off screen.

Jonah Hill was fantastic as a supporting actor in MoneyBall but I didn't see anything to convince me that he was worthy of another nomination this time.

Marty Scorsese is more respected for his directing ability from this reviewer after seeing this movie but if he wins Best Director, there is a good chance it will Best Picture which I would prefer not to happen (with 6 out of 9 nominees watched, 12 Years A Slave is my favorite).

It was a joy to see Rob Reiner back in front of  the camera, playing Jordan's father.

I give this a surprising one and a half thumbs up for directing and Lead acting but hope that it does not give anyone the ambition to follow in Jordan's footsteps.

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