Saturday, September 7, 2013

Hangover Part III

Yes, I admit I have seen all three of these movies and shock of all shocks, the first one is the best.  The best thing that I can say is that all the stars came back for this movie and they didn't need to cast replacement actors.  This movie was a better movie than the Hangover 2 because it had a better story but the humor from the first was not to be found in either of the sequels.  Stick around for the end credits for the funniest part of the movie--one scene, enough said.

Melissa McCarthy steals her scenes (as usual) as a love interest for Zach Galifianakais' character and John Goodman is again a good supporting character.  If you really love the Hangover movies, by all means enjoy this otherwise there are plenty of other movies from which to choose.

I give this a half thumb up pointing to the movie marquees clearly listing better movie options to view.

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