Friday, December 20, 2013

The Shining

Twenty three years ago, Stanley Kubrick co-wrote and directed The Shining, based on the legendary horror author, Steven King's book.  I have not read the book nor seen the movie until now.  I typically do not watch horror movies.  The Shining seems to be on many top movie lists including one of the top movie quotes, "Heeere's Johnny!" so when Sundance offered a chance to watch this movie on the big screen, I couldn't pass it up.

When you are watching a movie and commenting about pay phones, cigarette machines and other items from 'way back in the 80's' instead of being sucked into the story of the movie, it does not bode well.  Jack Nicholson is a wonderful actor but Shelley Duvall is a better supporting actress (see the movie Roxanne) than lead actress as she is in this movie.  To digress, NOBODY could have played Olive Oyl better in the film Popeye the same year as The Shining, so I retract the comment about not being a good lead actress.  Danny Lloyd plays the son who famously utters another top movie quote, "redrum, redrum" is even a better actor.  Scatman Crothers plays arguably the best character in the film.

As supposed classics go, I didn't feel scared at the horror except perhaps the one scene (SPOILER) where Scatman dies.

I give this two half thumbs up to run to the library to grab the original book by Steven King to read instead of watching this movie.

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