Friday, February 6, 2009

Seven Pounds

I started out 2009 seeing this movie. Will Smith is a handsome man so to sit in a theatre watching him for two hours is not a bad thing. I thought the movie, although slow in the middle, was good. It felt like it was trying to hard to be great and as such suffered by not just letting it be its own movie. I enjoyed it better than I am Legend and equally as well as the Pursuit of Happyness. It seemed like Will Smith suffered from a serious case of over-acting and Woody Harrelson's character would have been better suited in an SNL skit. Rosario Dawson, Michael Ealy, Barry Pepper and especially Robinne Lee were very good supporting actors that helped to elevate the movie as a whole. I can't really get into too much detail without causing a spoiler alert but the title as it relates to the story is determined by each individual viewer and once you figure out where the story is going you'll be amazed at how sucked into the story you become. Very creative although as I said a bit slow but generally I give Seven Pounds an overall thumbs up with a disappointing thumbs down for Will Smith's over-acting. He's still handsome though!

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