Wednesday, January 16, 2013


This film depicts the love story of Alfred Hitchcock and his wife Alma Reville during the brief period of the making of Psycho. Besides making this non-horror film watcher want to actually see a Hitchcock film; at least Psycho if not others, this beautifully shows the devoted loving relationship between two people committed to each other through the stresses of vintage Hollywood.

Funny yet risque line was when Alfred prefers to be called Hitch and responds "just  Hitch, hold the cock."

Anthony Hopkins is a wonderful actor who became Alfred Hitchcock but possibly more through make-up than acting as sometimes it felt more like an impression or characterization.  Helen Mirren  is her usual amazing self as she carries the movie by playing Alma as strong yet supportive and content to live in the shadow of her husband's popularity while still craving and achieving her own version of independence.  Scarlett Johansson was also quite good as Janet Leigh.

I give this two surprised thumbs up for the beautiful love story but holding tight to one another in case Hitchcock tries to scare me with his  horror.

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